Fire Area Map

Thursday, July 24, 2014

7/24/14 1:40 pm Operations Map of Entire Carlton Complex

The fire has been zoned with a different team in each zone and this map shows where each is located. The black marks that look like dumbbells are the place where the zones break.  Within each zone, it is divided into Branches, (the Branch marks look like this ][ )and each branch  is divided into Divisions. The Division marks look like this  )( .  Anywhere you see black line, it is contained.  Where you see red line, it is uncontained fire line.  Containment does not mean controlled or out.  Containment means there is a line (dug by hand or equipment) outside the perimeter of the fire.  It doesn't mean it will never or can never get out of that line.

Contained line is "improved" or reinforced by crews who "mop-up" a certain width in, along the whole perimeter of the fire.  Mop-up can be 50 feet or 300 feet in and can vary.  When crews mop-up, they look for smoke and feel for heat and extinguish anything they find.  It is long, arduous and dirty work but very necessary to ensure the fire does not escape containment lines.  Once that is complete, that section of line will be called controlled.

For a larger file of this map, please click here.  WARNING:  This is a 45 MG file and will take a long time to download.

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